Preschoolers, children aged three to five, enjoy the independence that comes with getting older.

Preschoolers enjoy making more self-directed decisions, taking more responsibility for their choices, having positive relation based interactions with adults and other children, and relying on teaching staff to understand and provide experiences and opportunities for their needs.


Morning Glory Early Learning Center LLC program provides individualized and nurturing early care and education experiences, for children aged three to five in a safe and high quality NAEYC accredited environment. We support your child’s learning style and provide opportunities for building knowledge of their world, the ability to work with as well as lead others, and the broadening of thinking skills and problem solving abilities.

Independent and small group experiences are planned around the children’s interest and approaches to learning with materials, learning topics, and in the classroom learning areas (e.g. Creative Arts, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Music, Library, Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Computer/Technology, Woodworking, and Cooking). Daily indoor and outdoor play experiences to promote physical and sensory growth are included.

Our teachers are credentialed and use the Creative Curriculum for Preschool, the Connecticut Early Learning and Developmental Standards (CTELDS) and the Connecticut Documentation & Observation for Teaching System (CTDOTS) to assist in providing developmentally appropriate environments, experiences, and assessments of your child’s developmental growth and learning progress.