For infants and toddlers, everything happening during their day is part of their curriculum.

At Morning Glory Infant Toddler Center program, for children aged birth to three, we provide routines and planned individualized and nurturing early care and education experiences in a safe and high quality NAEYC accredited environment. We support your child’s need for building trust, knowing that the adults present will take care of his/her needs; need for a safe place to explore learning materials and their world; and need for experiences encouraging self-direction and independence in a warm, nurturing, relationship based and predictable environment.

infant toddler childcare

Solo and small group routines and experiences are planned around the children’s interest and approaches to learning with materials and in the classroom learning areas (e.g. Creative Arts, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Music, Library, Table/Floor toys, Manipulatives). Daily indoor and outdoor play experiences to promote physical and sensory growth are included.

Our teachers are credentialed and use the Creative Curriculum for Infant, Toddlers and Twos and Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment System to assist in providing developmentally appropriate environments, experiences, and assessments of your child’s developmental growth and learning progress.